STRONG NEWS: Exciting Changes At RSG & Join Our FREE Fit Life Community Facebook Group

Exciting Changes at RSG

in Jan 2017 I am launching THREE Brand New systems at Raw Strength Gym...

I'll get to the details in a sec....

But WHY have I decided to change things up?


One thing I've realised since opening in 2010....people have copied me.

It's easy for people to get a rig and a few barbells and look like a decent gym.

But there is no SUBSTANCE!

no experience

no lasting CHANGE in your life

One thing about my programs that makes me proud....everybody who's trained here has changed their life in one way or another.

Be it better food choices from now until forever.

Or knowing how to build muscle for the rest of their life.

It's the Life Changing part of coaching that these 'copycats' have missed out on.

and SO I have decided to change the game once again, and hopefully, so you guys can see the difference between a world class gym and a knock-off copy...

Here's what's going down in Jan:


1. a NEW system of building muscle & strength to put my clients onto a pathway of excellence, they will literally see strength gains week by week

...and the members will be able to visually see progress with our top secret development pathway called, 'The Path to Superhuman', which maps out an entire transformation for someone. Basically from overweight & weak, to lean, athletic & strong. With separate pathways for nutrition, mindset and training - because these will progress at different rates for different people.

> my coaches have been trained up on this new system over the past few months

> we are ready to THROW DOWN in Jan with some next level knowledge.


2. a boatload of NEW equipment specifically designed for strength and performance training.

The layout of the gym is going to change to allow for better LEARNING for my clients, I've really thought about how every second of each session is going to be delivered for an epic training experience.

We have a program designed that you could literally use for years without experiencing the same workout twice, BUT also with clear and direct progressions every 12 weeks. Nothing worse than a disjointed program (e.g most crap Crossfit programs)

New bars, weights, racks, sleds, ropes, sandbags, slam balls and every single item thought out so it links with the above training system for a SMOOTH training program!

...only bad thing is I am now jealous of my clients. Wish I could do this program with them!


3. New support systems and Atmosphere Explosion

The last thing I'm putting into play in January is something we are already great at, ripping the roof off the gym and pumping a great atmosphere into every single workout.

If you've trained at RSG, you'll know what I'm saying.

But I know we can step it up so it's like training whilst at a rock concert, hanging out with your mates, and getting epic coaching ALL AT THE SAME TIME.

Also, after each session we currently coach a session then run onto the next program with no break.

I've created a way to put some more face to face time between the coach and the client, between my coaching team and my members - because whilst messaging on Facebook when you have a question is great - there's nothing like having a sit down and a chat when you get stuck.

There you have it!

NEW training systems and a FULL development pathway 'Path to Superhuman'

NEW equipment and changing the whole workout experience forever

NEW support systems and 10X the atmosphere than usual

End result?

y members next year are going to experience the fastest results imaginable, in a way that's fun, supportive and incredibly rewarding for everyone involved.

Join our FREE Facebook Support Group The Fit Life Community

Just launched! Join and share our free group where we'll be sharing nutrition lessons, training advice and hosting free challenges. It's an open group where you can share your experiences, get free support and advice or ask questions from our knowledgable coaches.

Join here>>>>





Anthony Shaw
Head Coach
Raw Strength Gym

Unit E4 Trident Business Park Birchwood Park Warrington Cheshire WA3 6AX

Success, News, FitnessAnthony Shaw