How to Know You’re Lying to Yourself 

  • Keep setting goals - never look at them again, never mind hit them 

  • Sign up to a gym - never get off your arse and go train

  • Started at least one diet in the past 12 months - look the same if not worse

  • “like and share” motivational Facebook memes - don’t change your habits at all

  • Hate your life but share 1-2 social media posts per week showing you doing awesome shit

  • Understand meditation and mindfulness - but spend 3-5+ hrs per DAY on your phone (check the screen time app)

  • Know that massage and stretching is scientifically proven to improve aches & pains - choose to live in pain daily 

  • Go to bed early for a good night’s rest - Wake up and go on phone immediately

  • Buy the best gym kit and supplements around - don’t have basic sleep/food/training consistency

  • Want to be a role model for your kids - constantly use them as an excuse why you “don’t have time” to be healthy

  • Want to have your own personal trainer or coach - claim you “can’t afford” it then spend £200-500 per month on going out (clothes, meals, booze…add it up)

There has to be a better way, right?

At RSG we set positive actions for each day, whether that’s meditation, mobility work, setting goals or training with the team of awesome members we have here.

But the key thing we do, which may help you, is constant reflection.

We reflect on whether a diet has been consistent by measuring the body; muscle and fat gain/loss on our Inbody machine, and progress pics.

We reflect on training consistency with a monthly attendance leaderboard, aiming for 3 sessions per week. Tracked on an app

We reflect on basic heavy lifting with regular strength tests, same for our aerobic conditioning program and fitness tests, heart rate zones and activity points.

If you know how you are performing, you can’t lie to yourself. 

You can then learn the lessons and improve your life: better discipline, motivation, more accurate goal-setting and better training.

Now look at the modern fitness industry for what it is..

…. a big money-sucking, bullshit-spouting black hole where dreams get sucked in and never see the light of day again.

What is being sold?

Diets with ZERO accountability checks

Trainers with ZERO experience (other than weekend certs)

Programs with ZERO strength work (despite science showing resistance training as being THE best way to change body shape)

People going it alone with ZERO support.

^^^^and people pay for this crap!! 

Then look at what we do:

Scientifically proven, consistent hard work on the basics. Eat. Train. Connect with others. Constant reflection and improvement. 

Becoming fitter is a common goal because we all know that deep down, we have to become better people, living better lives, in order to increase our fitness.

Just make sure the method you choose REQUIRES you to become better. Not just post a pic of yourself in your gym gear pretending to train hard, yet lying to yourself and everyone else.

Face the truth

Hard work is the answer

Rise Above 


Anthony Shaw

Head Coach

Raw Strength Gym, Warrington

PS - if you want help getting some structure, discipline and a BIG challenge into your life then I suggest joining our team for a 6 week program. If you commit, work hard and enjoy the process, we can talk about you becoming a long-term member after that.

Email me back and I'll send you some more info.

Anthony Shaw