Monday Motivation - purpose

here you are, day after the Sunday blues….

So let’s get the mind ready to kick some ass….

REALISE that your fitness goals will not come true unless you apply what I’m about to share

In fact, without implementing and hammering this skill into your brain

None of your life goals will be achieved at all!

Scary stuff.

Yet this ONE thing is a simple rule:




Read that again.

Now let’s hit some examples…

Let’s say subject A is a dad, 45 years old with 3 kids

And subject B is an exact carbon copy, a clone.


Subject A ‘just wants to get in shape’

That’s his goal.

Subject B, however, has added purpose to his goal…

He ‘just wants to get in shape so his kids have a role model, a healthy father who can support them as he hits his 60s and 70s, and so right now he can spend quality time playing with them, teaching them about health and having fun.’

Makes sense right? This purpose thing?

Now let’s hit a few scenarios….

Subject A has just had a bank holiday Monday off work, he also skipped out on his usual Monday gym workout.

But hey! It’s OK because he ‘just wants to get in shape’

So he’s gonna get right back to the gym on his usual Wednesday workout. 

After all, what’s the harm in one session missed when you only want a general goal with no purpose?

(Can you tell this is a pet peeve of mine haha!)


Subject B has also had a bank holiday Monday off work, he ALSO skipped out on his usual Monday gym workout

But it’s NOT OK! Because he knows that his kids will see him being lazy and copy him

He doesn’t want that

He can see that his health, after drinking a few too many beers over the weekend, is going to go backwards if he skips a workout

He doesn’t want that either

SO he hits the gym on the Tuesday, catches back up with his workout plan

And then goes again on the Wednesday to get up to speed.

Here’s the CRITICAL thing to understand….

Subject B doesn’t want to hit the gym on Tuesday

He doesn’t want to sacrifice his spare time just to go to the gym

He doesn’t want to feel guilty or bloated from eating loads of crap over the weekend

But his PURPOSE drives him to do it anyway.

And really that’s all you want from a goal, right?

Something that drives you to do the work when you don’t want to do it.

So what’s your goal?

Is it wet and empty?

Or is it solid, filled with purpose and does it fire you up?!

Here’s some things to remember:

> We are all ageing and health does not last forever, do you want to be a crippled old person and spend your final decades in pain and weakness? No? Then get strong, build muscle and maintain it!

> Health is extremely fragile. You never know what’s around the corner. For example, a fall down the stairs for a strong, fit and lean person is going to leave nothing more than a bruise. 

Yet for a weak, unfit and heavy person…well something’s going to break…and it’s even harder to motivate yourself to go to the gym when you’re on crutches.


Maybe you think this is a little negative

But uncomfortable truths hurt!


If your goal sucks YOU have the power to change it!

If your purpose sucks YOU have the power to think about what a good purpose would be for you!




Have a great day

Speak soon,

Anthony Shaw
Head Coach
Raw Strength Gym, Warrington

Anthony Shaw