Obsession is Good for You!


I’m 15 years old

I just get Bruce Lee’s workout book in the post, called “The Art of Expressing the Human Body”

(Epic read by the way)

And I was on Summer hols, no rugby, no job, and I lived in the middle of the countryside and obviously couldn’t drive yet

So I had pretty much NO friends or social life either!

But I didn’t give a f*ck!

I trained 3 times a day!!

I copied all of Bruce Lee’s workouts and nearly bloody killed myself in the process

I balanced one-legged on tree stumps

I did hill sprints and rock carries

I did thousands of push-ups, ‘deck of cards’ squats and isometrics

It was great! 

I’d wake-up, workout, eat, lounge about for 2-3 hours then repeat

Ah, to be a teenager again.

But here’s my point….


When I got back to school that september, after 6 weeks of training like Bruce

I was the fittest and strongest I’d ever been

I think I was about 70kg and 5 foot 10, lean and strong

I dominated on the rugby pitch against other 15 year olds who’d spent their summers doing nothing

And ALL my friends called me a fitness FREAK

I kind of got offended at that. 

Regardless, that year I played district schools level rugby, my school side went to the last 8 in Wales, and my club side was undefeated ALL season.


But then people told me I was OBSESSED with rugby

Teachers kept asking, “what do you want to do when you leave school?”

I’d say, “play pro-rugby, or failing that, be a coach”

And they’d tell me to GROW UP and pick a REAL job!

Well hahaha school careers guy, I’m now a coach and I love it.

Therefore my obsession changed my life in the best way possible.


SO here’s the thing team…

> When you want to be successful people will LABEL you as obsessed

Or a fitness freak

Or tell you to grow up

> But what these people are doing are TURNING a positive into a negative


I mean, why the hell do people want to say that an obsession for success and a healthy pursuit of excellence is a bad thing?




You want to shift 5 stone of body fat?

Get obsessed with that goal!

You want to deadlift 200kg?

Get obsessed with that goal!

You want the strongest, biggest arms you can imagine?

Get obsessed with that goal!


TRUE fulfilment comes when you chase your dreams all day long

Then go to sleep and dream about your obsession


Don’t let anybody tell you what your goals should be

Don’t let anybody fool you that being obsessed, a fitness freak or a weirdo is a bad thing

Chances are, in 12 months you’ll change your life and they’ll ask HOW they can do it too


Trust me on that



Have a great day

Anthony Shaw

Head Coach & Founder

The RISE System


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Anthony Shaw