Get Your Focus Back

11215883_609165265900924_6873548993220940889_nSo last night I had a very strange feeling...

I felt sad

Honestly I don't really know why

Years ago I used to work in a bank

I hated it

And every Sunday I'd get that 'back to work ' feeling

Which, let's face it, is basically sadness.

But right now I love what I do, all of my clients and all of my staff

yet I had that same 'sunday sadness' feeling

So I wasn't sure why I felt sad and de-motivated.

there was no reason to be sad!

...then it HIT me like a ton of bricks...

I was in 'Self-Pity' mode

> Looking at all the work I had to do in the following week

> Thinking of how hard I would have to work

> going through the hours of writing programs, diets, coaching my clients, business development work, training staff and marketing that would be required

And a ton more.

But then, that's what I signed up for when I set-up a business, right?

Isn't it funny that we put ourselves through tough times for one purpose...

To get a better life.

But we can end up getting 'lost in the details' and forgetting WHY we're hustling.

Let's go a little deeper...

On a base level your job brings you money so you can have food, shelter and look after your family

Everything else on top is just to make you happy (think clothes, holidays, nights out etc.)

And 99% of people have a choice over what they do

I know, I know - at times you can feel stuck in a job

but in reality you could walk out and nobody would be chasing after you with a sledgehammer

You go to work out of CHOICE

So you really can't get the Sunday Sadness

but if you do here's how to fix it:

1) Look at your life and be grateful for all the great things that your job allows you to do, be and have

2) Realise that if you don't want to go to work, start planning how to be happier in your work. What we do in the working day makes up more than half of the waking hours, make sure you're working with a purpose. New job? New promotion? Self-employed? Go traveling the world? Do what you want.

3) Understand that the Sunday Sadness is just self-pity - you are feeling sorry for yourself - and that is really unnecessary and harmful to your happiness because you are holding yourself in that negative mood. Choose to feel better and you will!


Instead of passively accepting negativity into your life

Actively choose to feel good and don't accept anything less!

Make sense?

This has helped me improve my life month after month

Do I still get down, feel tired and un-motivated?

Of course.

But I focus on stopping feeling sorry for myself and starting taking positive actions more and more

Right now if your body, health or fitness is getting you down

Even if it's just a tiny bit

Then my coaching programs can develop a feeling of achievement and a visible change in your physique in just 12 weeks

Our programs include:

> step-by-step nutrition coaching on our proven fat loss program, we will likely be forcing you to eat MORE food than ever. no starving or struggle, just good food to fuel high intensity training

> Expertly coached training sessions, with every second of your training session watched by a coach you'll be able to start from scratch and develop yourself into a lean, athletic man in just 12 weeks

> A private gym and a fun group environment, my goal is to make you LOVE training. So there's no shouting, no expectation, no beasting or punishment. Training should be fun and I've developed a program that has run for over 5 years and transformed over 100 people this year alone.

Why don't you join them?

A 12 week body transformation will transform your body by stripping off 1-2 stone of bodyfat and getting stronger legs, glutes and a hint of visible abs

Plus a gain in strength of 10-20kg on ALL lifts in the gym

^ we focus heavily on athletic-type training and strength

So you'll be able to take on any fitness challenge, or just focus on watching your body get stronger and fitter than ever

Plus with our unique challenges which we run every 4 weeks, you'll have something to train for, with a group of people that care about you

You'll love the process, and if you don't get the result...

....I'll shake your hand and give you 100% of your money back

Transform your body, or you don't pay

Simple as that.

Apply here for a free consultation:


We'll discuss your goals and if the program will definitely help you

Then we'll move you into a training group and get started ASAP

So instead of feeling sorry for yourself, today take MASSIVE ACTION

And click this link:

Speak to you soon

Anthony Shaw

Head Coach Raw Strength Gym, Warrington