Live in or near Warrington? This is for you!

We're looking for 20 people that would love to kick start their body transformation on our next '6' in 60 Days' challenge so you can look and feel great in 2017.

All the info (start date, location, cost etc.) is here:



So if you:

- Want to lose 6kg of body fat, gain 6 pounds of lean muscle and absolutely transform yourself

- Want to lift weights and get super strong, really really strong... then we'll help you add at least 30kg of total strength to your squat, bench and deadlift in the gym

- Can train at our New and Improved Gym in Warrington (Birchwood Park WA3 6AX) 3-4 times a week

- Are able to invest £44 per week in massively kickstarting your progress

- And willing to follow an individualised nutrition plan.

... then you might fit the criteria to join our '6 in 60 Days' Transformation challenge.


The best part?

The best transformation over the 60 days will not only walk away with a new body but also....

... a £600 CASH PRIZE! 

See more info and JOIN THE EARLY BIRD LIST by clicking the link below.

WOMEN click here:

MEN click here:


Anthony Shaw

Head Coach
Raw Strength Gym, Warrington