See your truth to get healthier

Are you looking for a way to feel fitter, to feel like yourself again?


To get that confidence and energy back?


Perhaps you’ve let things slip over the last 6-18 months, maybe longer, and you want to step in and take control again?


Over the past few weeks I’ve been in consultations with lots of people wanting to start a 6 week trial with us.


There are a few common themes I’ve noticed from these conversations. Common lines of thinking and motivation which come up with almost every person, which, if you take the time to see them in your own life, will greatly improve your ability to lose weight, make profound improvements to your health and to feel a bit better about your life.


The reason it’s important to be aware of these common themes is simple. Awareness breeds action. If you are unaware you have a problem, you will not be motivated to change.


The first step then, is an honest evaluation of where you are right now. No lying to yourself, no excuses, just decide: are you where you want to be in life or not?


I’ll first state these themes as EXCUSES, as statements that disguise the fact that you’re in mental pain. These excuses are more likely to occur when you can’t find nice clothes that fit you in the shops, or when you look at your naked body in the mirror after a shower and you feel slightly ashamed. These are fleeting moments that are very easy, dangerously easy, to rationalise and overlook.


Take, for example, a common problem for many of us during the summer months: feeling embarrassed to take our clothes off on the beach. 


If  you make an honest appraisal of the problem, i.e. accept that you are embarrassed. Then you will feel pain. Good. Pain is necessary to motivate change, in fact I believe pain could be the ONLY thing necessary to make a change.


But if one feels embarrassed on the beach, notices the pain but IGNORES the problem by ploughing down a litre of sangria, 5 gin & tonics throughout the afternoon and then dances the night away (behaviour which is acceptable on holiday, so won’t be challenged by those around you). Well then, you’ll have succeeded in avoiding the problem for another few days, weeks, months, or in some cases, years and years. This is why you may wake up one day, find yourself overweight and feel like ‘the weight just crept up on me’.


When the pain becomes unavoidable, people reach out for help. Please don’t wait until you feel depressed and like nothing works for you, don’t try diets and training plans that have not been proven. Wake up, look at the pain within your life, and stop it today. Because you can. And much quicker than you think.


So this process may be painful, but stick with it, be honest, and start your journey to a better looking body, a healthier body, and a free, happy mind.


Here we go, time to self-appraise and find some pain. Do any of these statements/excuses sound like you? Have you said or thought any of these things this week? Last week? This year?


1) “I’ve had no time to get in shape because my work is too busy/family commitments/travel for work all the time”


2) “Shall we have a glass of wine tonight?” (night after night after night)


3) “I need to get fitter before I can start back at the gym”


4) “I don’t eat much but I can’t seem to lose the weight, nothing works for me” (has a full fat latte and sandwich from costa most days, drinks on weekends, eats out at least once a week)


5) “These clothes used to fit, I’m sure I’ll get back into them one day”


6) “I hate going to the gym, it’s so boring” (joins the cheapest gym possible, trains alone, with no plan, with no goals)


These statements come up time and time again, I’ve obviously worded them as unconscious statements - sometimes called habits - so that you can understand them. But even now as you read through, it’s important to have an open mind and be honest, part of your brain will resist this process. Your brain is designed to keep you away from all types of pain.


But through pain you will forge your ideal life. 


Now, to compare each statement with the truth below. What I am doing here is finding a solution to the problem, so it can’t be ignored, only fixed. 


1) “I’ve had no time to get in shape because my work is too busy/family commitments/travel for work”


Other people busier than you get in shape. Olympians have family commitments. Pro-athletes travel the world constantly. You only need 3 hours a week. You are worth the time. 


2) “Shall we have a glass of wine tonight?” (night after night after night)


Managing stress is essential in the modern world. Wake up 10 minutes earlier, breathe deeply, do some yoga. End the day in a relaxing, similar way. Read some philosophy, see trivial work politics for what it is. You do not need wine, you do need to be relaxed to be happy. 


3) “I need to get fitter before I can start back at the gym”


A common misconception, but how do you get fit without training? Catch-22! Go to a gym that tailors the program to your fitness level, get coaching and advice, but above all - get started. 


4) “I don’t eat much but I can’t seem to lose the weight, nothing works for me” (has a full fat latte and sandwich from costa most days, drinks on weekends, eats out at least once a week)


Classic unconscious eating habits. Track your calories for a few days, especially weekends. The results will surprise you. Eat a little less, go for low calorie options. Sorted. 


5) “These clothes used to fit, I’m sure I’ll get back into them one day”


If they used to fit, you have got bigger. If ignoring the problem last year made you bigger, what makes you think ignoring it again will have a different result? Wake-up, start a disciplined training and nutrition program. By the way, disciplined doesn’t mean hard or boring, it means doing what you need to do most of the time (6 out of 7 days would be a good start).


6) “I hate going to the gym, it’s so boring” (joins the cheapest gym possible, trains alone, with no plan, with no goals)


You are worth the investment in a fun training program. Get a coach. A coach will push you and plan your training so you get results. All our programs at RSG, for example, are based on sports science. Effective, proven training. A team of training partners will make your training fun. Join a team.  


Hopefully one or more of these points hit home for you today. Make an honest appraisal of your mindset, catch those excuses when you think or say them. And look for solutions.


Countless people have overcome the very same problems that you now have. 


If your problem is anything to do with fitness, joint pain, nutrition, motivation - wake up and see that your current actions are not helping. 


Then email me, ask for help, that’s why I do my job, that’s why I’m sending this out today.


We are currently running 6 week trials, for free.


My team and I can help get you started on a coached program, within a group of people just like you (similar age and fitness level), in our private gym with no egos or meatheads. Just focused training, simple nutrition, and tracked results. 


Book a consultation with me using this link:


We’ll spend 30 mins going through your motivation/pain, your vision for the future, and see how our programs can improve your life.


Rise above 




Anthony Shaw


Head Coach

Raw Strength Gym, Warrington


PS - Remember - join our FREE Facebook group for daily motivation and advice: