What’s Holding You Back?

Ok, so you can squat, bench and deadlift heavy, knock out 15 pull-ups and your flexibility is pretty damn good….you think that’s enough to be an elite athlete?  

It’s not. You see, for every guy that makes it to professional level (and it doesn’t matter what sport we’re talking about here), there are literally THOUSANDS of others who failed to get his spot. You think you’re the best in your team? How about the county? Best in the whole nation? How about the whole world?


Decide what level you want to aim for, then aim a little higher. This is the only way you’re gonna go pro unless you’re the most naturally gifted athlete the world has ever seen, which I’ll bet that you are not!


Now that you’ve decided upon the level you want to shoot for (and if you’ve said anything less than best in the world, think bigger!), we must look at what’s holding you back. There will ALWAYS be limiting factors to any athlete, but:




Let’s look at a few examples to support the above sentence. If you can’t put on muscle mass, eat more. If you can’t recover fast enough, sleep another 3 hours per night. If you keep getting injured, stretch twice a day every day. If you have trouble learning a skill for your sport, get up at 5am and practice it every day.


Can you honestly say that you’re doing everything you can do make sure that nothing is holding you back? You must look at all of the following areas and be 100% positive that you are doing everything in your power to do your best in each area:


  • Strength and conditioning


  • Recovery


  • Diet


  • Sports Specific Skills


  • Mental focus/Goal setting



If you’re missing something from one of these sections you can still go pro, don’t get me wrong, but to be the best in the world you must OBSESS about every little thing from each section. And if you’re missing out an entire section, you got no chance!


The best advice I’ve ever heard on goal setting is; set a goal, then ask yourself, what would be better than this, and write that down too! Now throw out your original goal and aim for the better one!


I’m here to help if you have any questions, just drop them below.

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