Posts tagged Liverpool
ONE Thing to Transform Your Day & Your Life

There I was, the last person sat in a coffee shop at 9.30pm on a Friday

Working on my business

Looking at all my projects I was yet to finish

….but I couldn’t even START any of them

I was just staring at a blank page

Ever felt like that?

The thing is

Today I work less hours than a few years back

But I get MORE done!

Stay with me here > >

…..because this could will certainly change your life…..

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3 Ways to Expand Your Mind…

The power of the mind can unlock massive gains in strength, muscle growth and athletic performance (aerobic/anaerobic power)…

So how much do you care for your brain?

I’m going to show you three incredible ways that I’ve used with myself and my clients to help the mind expand into new beliefs, behaviours and strengths that will take you to a higher physical level that you are on right now.

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3 Secrets to Dramatic & Lasting Body Transformations: PART THREE

This is a three part series to help men & women like you BREAKTHROUGH the barriers and myths of training, nutrition and mindset so you can create a DRAMATIC and LASTING body transformation.

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3 Secrets to Dramatic & Lasting Body Transformations: PART ONE

This is a three part series to help men & women like you BREAKTHROUGH the barriers and myths of training, nutrition and mindset so you can create a DRAMATIC and LASTING body transformation.  

PART ONE: How Training Sessions Should Really Feel…..

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Quick (But Lasting) Ways to Fix Your Lower Back Pain

Ah, the lower back. Almost every week I get a couple of questions from people with a tight and painful lower back. Or when people first sign-up to my gym, the constant use of muscles they’ve never trained before can cause a lot of tightness and pain in the lower back.

Usually this is because when you train the muscles of your back and legs as opposed to the more frequently trained chest and back – those untrained muscles are weak!

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The Love of War - A Quick Guide to Achieving Your Goals

There is no avoiding war; it can only be postponed to the advantage of others.

 - Niccolo Machiavelli

Your goals define exactly what you want to achieve, where you want to go, who you want to meet and how you want to look.

More specifically, your goals define the milestones that you MUST reach (or think you must reach, not quite the same thing!) to complete your personal journey.

I’m not going to patronise you and tell you what your goals should be, or how you need to set them, only you can know the specifics. Just know this:

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Lost your Way in Fitness and Diet?

So there I was, grabbing my rolls of belly fat, staring at my body in the mirror....

....upset at my lack of 'sexy bod'. AGAIN.

After perhaps the most consistent 4 month training period of my life starting March this year

I'd built incredible strength levels, added 4kg of muscle, dieted down for a holiday this summer

Then I'm seemingly back at square one!

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