Posts tagged mindset
Quick (But Lasting) Ways to Fix Your Lower Back Pain

Ah, the lower back. Almost every week I get a couple of questions from people with a tight and painful lower back. Or when people first sign-up to my gym, the constant use of muscles they’ve never trained before can cause a lot of tightness and pain in the lower back.

Usually this is because when you train the muscles of your back and legs as opposed to the more frequently trained chest and back – those untrained muscles are weak!

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The Love of War - A Quick Guide to Achieving Your Goals

There is no avoiding war; it can only be postponed to the advantage of others.

 - Niccolo Machiavelli

Your goals define exactly what you want to achieve, where you want to go, who you want to meet and how you want to look.

More specifically, your goals define the milestones that you MUST reach (or think you must reach, not quite the same thing!) to complete your personal journey.

I’m not going to patronise you and tell you what your goals should be, or how you need to set them, only you can know the specifics. Just know this:

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This is really sad….

I’m afraid today I’m going to start off on a very serious note.


You would not believe the amount of emails I receive from people who are in a really bad way.


They don’t believe in themselves anymore.


They don’t have life goals.


Their life consists of work/sleep/work on a repetitive cycle with no end in sight - and they’ve settled for that.


The minimal free time they do have is jam-packed with doing things for OTHER people.


Taking the kids to kid stuff. Meeting up with family on the weekends.

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PS I don't blame you

ever seen someone who eats well & trains every week like clockwork but who isn't in shape?


me neither...

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We had a great Facebook LIVE video today

Thanks to all of you who watched it!

If you missed out, it's been recorded and you can watch it on our FB page HERE

To put it simply I covered the feeling of being overwhelmed.

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what's in it for me?

there's only one thing that drives your motivation


it's the little nasty voice in your brain saying....


what's in it for me?


For example, losing fat is a 'you vs you' struggle where the 'good' side of your brain wants to eat clean, train hard and improve...


....but the 'bad' side is always asking what's in it for me?


Problem is, if you can't answer this question you will fail.

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Fleeting pain vs Permanent pain

always ask two questions when people begin training with me...


1. When was the last time you trained consistently?


....they normally say '6-12 months ago'


then I ask:


2. What stopped you from training consistently?


The answers are so insightful I thought I'd share with you...

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Fitness isn't that hard...

I'm fed of seeing people failing to follow through on their goals


Good people too


People who should know better.


People who claim they don't have time to make a meal plan


yet have seen EVERY damn episode of that Tom Hardy thing on BBC


What. The. Fuck.


I'll change your life right now:

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Socks, details and success.

These two rules always hold true for 'success'


1) Do the right things


2) Stop doing stupid things


Whether success for you means sport, business, relationships, your job, lifting weights.


You can't violate these rules.


You can't work on the wrong things and let stupid things hold you back.



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