Posts tagged personal trainer warrington
Juice diets are a joke.

Juice diets are a joke.

They make NO impact on markers of health, happiness or performance

They dramatically REDUCE these, in fact

All for the sake of a quick loss of a few pounds of water weight and dropping a few pounds of undigested food (there's no food in the system, hence you're lighter)

If you know someone who's tried a juice diet

Or you've done a 'course' yourself

Trust me, all you'll see is negatives...

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So I got a confession to make....

So I got a confession to make....


I've started training hard (6 days per week) for muscle gain.


And the other day I found myself panicking about not being muscular enough.


Or more specifically, not gaining muscle FAST enough.


A lot of my clients have the same thoughts when it comes to fat loss....


Why can't this happen FASTER arghh??!!!


Anyway, fortunately I did two things to stop myself stressing and to stay focused.

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3 examples of why strength training is important

Today you're going to discover:


> 3 important benefits of strength training

> how we run our personal training program

> how you can get a free trial of our personal training program






Ryan started our personal training program a few months ago....


....and he crushed 3 of our strength records in his first 12 weeks!


Just so you grasp the gravity of what I'm saying - these are records set over the past 7 years by hundreds of men and women!

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Fitness is broken because...

....what if you can't see what you could become?


You will never achieve what you can't see and feel in your mind.


Going a step further, even if you've seen others achieve your goal and you know the path is there, you'll give up if you can't see the path and don't get guidance.


For example:


Imagine a client coming to me and saying they'd only like to lose 1 stone, or 'tone up' before their holiday.


Ok, but when I can see strength, muscle, endurance, reduced stress, a happier life AND 3-4 stone lost so they actually have a flat stomach and abs....

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Dieting but GAINED weight? Here's what to do…

Dieting but GAINED weight? Here's what to do…


First of all, relax, it's quite normal for this to happen in a number of situations.


And remember that gaining weight and gaining fat are two very different things. Mi


I feel this is a really important thing to discuss because you may be on track for great results, you may be training and dieting spot on…. then you gain weight and give up!


So let's look at a few scenarios.

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I wrote some goals out this morning..

I wrote some goals out this morning..


...and I was surprised at how far away they seemed.


First goal: gain 5kg of muscle - gaining 0.5kg (or 1lb) of muscle each month this is 10 months away presuming epic commitment to diet and training, no holidays etc.


Second goal: gain 10kg of muscle - that's at least 2 years away.


For you, let's make some quick goals now...


SET A TARGET: If you want to gain muscle, how much do you want?


BE REALISTIC: Gain a pound or half a kilo a month...


TIMEFRAME: How many months away is your goal?


Or maybe you want fat loss...


SET A TARGET: If you want to lose weight, how much do you wanna lose?

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So last week this happened....

......I consulted with a potential client who was on the cusp of joining our personal training program.


He needed to lose a lot of weight, was on medication for blood pressure and heart issues.


With huge worries of dying young.... to be honest I agreed with him.


He was at risk.


So we spoke, both got excited and I made a positive plan with him to get moving and DO something about it.


Which we started to do....

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a silly story about getting in shape...

every year I CONVINCE myself that I'm 'not in too bad of a shape'


I'm confident about my body and always have been


But as those calendar days get crossed off... my holiday gets closer and closer....


I start to doubt myself.


I look in the mirror and start pinching and grabbing my belly fat and love handles


I take 'before' pictures and set out a ridiculously low calorie diet for myself


I promise myself that 'just 4 weeks' of no cheat meals is doable


I commit to training 5 days a week for 4 weeks


and at the end of 4 weeks, you know what happens?

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Our Next LEAN in 28 Program Starts Soon...

We're looking for 20 people that would love to kick start their body transformation on our next LEAN in 28 program so you can look and feel great in 2017.


All the info (start date, location, cost etc.) is here:


So if you:


- Want to find an enjoyable way to get back into fitness, and lose a guaranteed 3kg of bodyfat in your first 28 days

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