Dieting but GAINED weight? Here's what to do…

First of all, relax, it's quite normal for this to happen in a number of situations.


And remember that gaining weight and gaining fat are two very different things. Mi


I feel this is a really important thing to discuss because you may be on track for great results, you may be training and dieting spot on…. then you gain weight and give up!


So let's look at a few scenarios.


SCENARIO A - you've been low carb for ages...


If you've been extremely low carb with your recent dieting and gained weight when reintroducing carbs:


  1. Your body is simply storing glycogen - carb stored within the liver and muscles - this weighs something!

  2. Storing glycogen can pull water into the muscles and increase your water weight


SCENARIO B - you've been 5:2 fasting (or any other fasting type diet)...


If you've been fasting recently then gained weight when going back to normal healthy eating:


  1. Your metabolism (daily calorie burn at rest) has slowed due to fasting, you eating more food can add glycogen/water weight (as above)

  2. Eating a normal amount of food after a fasting type diet may initially put you into a calorie surplus because your body isn't used to dealing with the extra food. You'll find yourself possibly gaining muscle and likely gaining fat - but this is necessary for a few weeks to boost your metabolism and make future fat burning easier AND to prevent longer term metabolic damage from long term low calorie dieting.


SCENARIO B - You've done neither fasting or low carb but have still gained weight:


  1. If training hard and eating on target, weight gain is hopefully muscle gain BUT be wary of emotional thinking and take constant waist, thigh and upper arms measurements and regular progress pics THAT SOMEONE ELSE REVIEWS for you.

  2. You may have to up your training frequency or train harder, progress the weights you’re lifting, do an extra session or some homework (walking, stretching, 50 kettlebell swings per day etc.)

  3. If eating on target and training hard, be aware of fat-sparing activities (we don't want fat spared we want it obliterated!) like these below:

    1. cups of tea & coffee - whilst the drink is low calorie, milk and/or sugar is not. A few hundred calories less each day could be the difference maker for you!

    2. Alcohol - any amount is detrimental no matter the calories. Alcohol cannot be stored and must be burned off by the body before fat melting can be switched back on.

    3. Stress and sleep - less than 7 hrs a night sleep will slow down fat burning as your body and brain will be in a stressed state. Nap and sleep a little more. To reduce stress, take a walk each day or sit and breath deeply for 5 mins. This is scientifically proven to reduce stress. Stress hormones prevent fat burning.



Let's not overlook the obvious either, you may just be eating crap or eating too much.


Make a food diary and make sure you're eating for your goals.


Want help setting up your own nutrition targets, meal plan and tracking results?


We are running an 8 week summer transformation for men, it’s £199 per month and you’ll get:


  1. 4 intense but fun group weight lifting sessions each week, with a coach, so you can blast the fat away, gain strength and actually enjoy training for once!

  2. An 8 week proven nutrition programme, tweaked for your weight, goals and activity level, so you burn fat fast, a lot of our guys lose 8-10kg (1-1.5 stone) on this exact programme

  3. Access to online support so you can ask questions about food (what to eat? How big of a portion?) You get support 24/7 because we are guaranteeing an epic result!



We are also running a 28 day results accelerator for women in Warrington


It’s perfect if you want a leaner body this summer


It’s just £97 and you’ll get:


  1. 3 intense but fun group workouts, your coach will push and guide you to greater efforts to speed up your fat loss

  2. A 28 day proven nutrition programme, tweaked for your weight, goals and activity level, so you burn fat fast, a lot of our ladies lose 3-4kg (7-9 lbs) on this exact programme - we have achieved 10kg of fat lost in 28 days before but I’m not going to lie to you, that isn't typical, but losing half a stone quickly and safely AND starting a longer fitness journey with us definitely is typical!

  3. Access to online support so you can ask questions about food (what to eat? How big of a portion?) You get support 24/7 because we are guaranteeing an epic result!


Want a brand new body this summer?


The time is now


After all, you're already halfway through 2017.


Let's take action together


Apply here and Sara will text you back to arrange a phone consultation:




Anthony Shaw


Head Coach

Raw Strength Gym


PS - Many of you watch from the shadows! Trust me I know.


90% of the people that join us spent 4-12 months following us online before taking the plunge.




Fill out a form and let’s have a chat, there is no risk at all from having a human-to-human conversation.


And know this, I would never promote a program with a money-back guarantee if I didn’t KNOW it was the best program in Warrington (by far).


You have my personal belief in this program, a money-back guarantee, and a free phone consultation.


I can’t make it easier to join than that.


Stop shadow-watching - start filling out this form:





