Posts tagged diet
ONE Thing to Transform Your Day & Your Life

There I was, the last person sat in a coffee shop at 9.30pm on a Friday

Working on my business

Looking at all my projects I was yet to finish

….but I couldn’t even START any of them

I was just staring at a blank page

Ever felt like that?

The thing is

Today I work less hours than a few years back

But I get MORE done!

Stay with me here > >

…..because this could will certainly change your life…..

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This is really sad….

I’m afraid today I’m going to start off on a very serious note.


You would not believe the amount of emails I receive from people who are in a really bad way.


They don’t believe in themselves anymore.


They don’t have life goals.


Their life consists of work/sleep/work on a repetitive cycle with no end in sight - and they’ve settled for that.


The minimal free time they do have is jam-packed with doing things for OTHER people.


Taking the kids to kid stuff. Meeting up with family on the weekends.

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a silly story about getting in shape...

every year I CONVINCE myself that I'm 'not in too bad of a shape'


I'm confident about my body and always have been


But as those calendar days get crossed off... my holiday gets closer and closer....


I start to doubt myself.


I look in the mirror and start pinching and grabbing my belly fat and love handles


I take 'before' pictures and set out a ridiculously low calorie diet for myself


I promise myself that 'just 4 weeks' of no cheat meals is doable


I commit to training 5 days a week for 4 weeks


and at the end of 4 weeks, you know what happens?

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Our Next LEAN in 28 Program Starts Soon...

We're looking for 20 people that would love to kick start their body transformation on our next LEAN in 28 program so you can look and feel great in 2017.


All the info (start date, location, cost etc.) is here:


So if you:


- Want to find an enjoyable way to get back into fitness, and lose a guaranteed 3kg of bodyfat in your first 28 days

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My Advice on Eating Clean Foods

Be honest, do you struggle to eat healthy foods every day?


I sure as hell do.


Today I share the secret to staying on track.


I've always struggled to eat clean foods, in the amounts that would support my training goals.


A problem I've been aware of since starting training years ago.


A problem you're likely experiencing right now.


But the thing that fixed it for me is not what you think.


You see...

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Socks, details and success.

These two rules always hold true for 'success'


1) Do the right things


2) Stop doing stupid things


Whether success for you means sport, business, relationships, your job, lifting weights.


You can't violate these rules.


You can't work on the wrong things and let stupid things hold you back.



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We could stop calling it 'weight loss'....

Conditional happiness happens when you say things like:


"I'll be happy when I fit into my bikini"


"I'll be happy when I get a promotion"


"I'll be happy when I bench press 100kg"


The happiness is conditional on you achieving whatever's in your mind.


Therefore, and this is THE most important thing....




Which is what I believe is the entire problem with the phrase:


"weight loss"

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ASK ANT - Bread, Body Image and Fad Diets

Here I’m going to share my thoughts (not necessarily the right answers, cos hey, I don’t know it all)

But the BIG ideas and concepts that will drive you to great success in your fitness

Look, what stops all progress is FRUSTRATION

So let’s dive in to the main frustrations and how I believe they can be solved....

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Death of The Holiday Diet

I overheard something CRAZY yesterday

Yet thinking about it, it’s a phrase I hear ALL the damn time

Maybe you’ve even said it…..?

“I’m going on holiday in 6 weeks, better start going to the gym”


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