Posts tagged gluten
food poisoning...FML

so… last weekend I got some food poisoning


in fact, I actually think it wasn’t poisoning per se


But it was my body rejecting too much junk food over the weekend.


I mean, I really went to town.


I know this isn’t what you expect to hear from a fitness professional


But that’s what I did.


I’m not proud.


I want to restore my health, and your faith in me (!) so here’s what we are going to do:


> lay out some basic rules for eating healthily


> set out the PILLARS OF LIFE to live your code each and every day


> be more active, let your body act like a human body, rather than an insect locked in a cubicle. 

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ASK ANT - Bread, Body Image and Fad Diets

Here I’m going to share my thoughts (not necessarily the right answers, cos hey, I don’t know it all)

But the BIG ideas and concepts that will drive you to great success in your fitness

Look, what stops all progress is FRUSTRATION

So let’s dive in to the main frustrations and how I believe they can be solved....

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