Posts tagged ANTHONY SHAW
My exact meal plan and How I prepare Food...

Let's not mess about, meal prep is simple....when you get it right.


Step 1) get a calorie target and macro split for your goal (go online, ask your coach, work it out yourself)


Step 2) put your calories/macros into myfitnesspal (go to goals > calories & macro goals and customise it)


Step 3) put in foods you LIKE, that you could eat every day for a year (within reason) and do not worry about amounts, just make 4-6 little meal EXAMPLES

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3 examples of why strength training is important

Today you're going to discover:


> 3 important benefits of strength training

> how we run our personal training program

> how you can get a free trial of our personal training program






Ryan started our personal training program a few months ago....


....and he crushed 3 of our strength records in his first 12 weeks!


Just so you grasp the gravity of what I'm saying - these are records set over the past 7 years by hundreds of men and women!

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Not seeing fitness results?

Think about this....


....everything you are experiencing right now IS a result.


Not happy with your belly?


that's a result


Unhappy with your strength?


that's a result.


SOMETHING has caused these things to happen.

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So last week this happened....

......I consulted with a potential client who was on the cusp of joining our personal training program.


He needed to lose a lot of weight, was on medication for blood pressure and heart issues.


With huge worries of dying young.... to be honest I agreed with him.


He was at risk.


So we spoke, both got excited and I made a positive plan with him to get moving and DO something about it.


Which we started to do....

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Why fitness is confusing.

Ever had one of those lightbulb moments?


I have them all the time.


not because I'm particularly clever


But usually because I'm doing things so arse-backwards that when I finally see the light it's a big revelation.


Take lifting weights, for example.

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12 hours of hell.

There's no way to say this nicely


I hate walking, unless it's around a park, or on a beach...


I really hate walking up mountains.


But my lovely clients convinced me to walk the Yorkshire 3 peaks this past Easter weekend.


And you know what.....

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The truth! Nothin' but the truth!

Carrying on from yesterday's 'what they don't tell you about fitness' post....


here's a few more things:


1) you will NOT gain muscle from lifting weights


at least, not at the speeds you think


It takes 2-3 months of consistent weight lifting for a beginner to start gaining noticeable muscle.


Because the muscles prefer to improve neuromuscular aspects (co-ordination, muscle memory, technique etc.) first because they are less energy demanding.

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unbelievable fitness truths

Today I thought I'd share a few 'accepted beliefs' that annoy me in the fitness world, stay with me, you may find the truth hard to handle....


....but after the initial sting, you'll thank me.




1) You'll have to eat MORE than you think.


If you've gained more fat than you'd like it can ONLY happen when the body has been in fat storage mode.


Fat storage mode is caused by undereating.


So eat more often throughout the day, rather than starving yourself then overeating.

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ASK ANT - Bread, Body Image and Fad Diets

Here I’m going to share my thoughts (not necessarily the right answers, cos hey, I don’t know it all)

But the BIG ideas and concepts that will drive you to great success in your fitness

Look, what stops all progress is FRUSTRATION

So let’s dive in to the main frustrations and how I believe they can be solved....

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