Posts in Injuries
Quick (But Lasting) Ways to Fix Your Lower Back Pain

Ah, the lower back. Almost every week I get a couple of questions from people with a tight and painful lower back. Or when people first sign-up to my gym, the constant use of muscles they’ve never trained before can cause a lot of tightness and pain in the lower back.

Usually this is because when you train the muscles of your back and legs as opposed to the more frequently trained chest and back – those untrained muscles are weak!

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Sort Out That Shoulder Pain

We’ve all been there, complaining of shoulder pain, either during or immediately after an upper body exercise.

What I’ve noticed is that with almost every bit of shoulder pain, internal rotation is an issue.

In this article find out how to test your shoulder mobility, how to stretch to reduce shoulder pain, and how to get those shoulders STRONG!

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suffering from back pain?

suffering from back pain?

You CAN fix chronic back pain.

I’ve made a video of the approach I take with my clients to rid them of back pain.

Not back ache mind you.

But agonising, daily pain that affects your mood and makes you think twice about leaving the house, let alone hitting the gym.

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COACHES CORNER - Stop Dysfunction: Prevent Injury and Increase Performance by Warming Up Correctly

It was my first time playing for the seniors, I was 15 and knew nothing about anything, up until this point every game from warm up to cool down was run by a coach, I had never really thought about how or why I should warm up.

Anyway, I turned to the senior captain and asked what I should do to warm up, he replied “ah just summa deez and then we will be good to go” swinging his arms out and in a couple of times, touched the floor, shook out his legs and he was done.

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