Posts in Strength
3 Ways to Expand Your Mind…

The power of the mind can unlock massive gains in strength, muscle growth and athletic performance (aerobic/anaerobic power)…

So how much do you care for your brain?

I’m going to show you three incredible ways that I’ve used with myself and my clients to help the mind expand into new beliefs, behaviours and strengths that will take you to a higher physical level that you are on right now.

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3 Secrets to Dramatic & Lasting Body Transformations: PART THREE

This is a three part series to help men & women like you BREAKTHROUGH the barriers and myths of training, nutrition and mindset so you can create a DRAMATIC and LASTING body transformation.

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3 Secrets to Dramatic & Lasting Body Transformations: PART ONE

This is a three part series to help men & women like you BREAKTHROUGH the barriers and myths of training, nutrition and mindset so you can create a DRAMATIC and LASTING body transformation.  

PART ONE: How Training Sessions Should Really Feel…..

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Carry Heavy Stuff to Kick Ass

There seems to be two types of strength, ‘gym strength’ and ‘real strength’. I believe that you must train for both.

The best way to do this is by throwing in some strongman style carries at the end of your strength workouts, so after a squat day you might do some sled dragging or walk with a yolk or heavy bar on your back, after a bench workout you could do some farmers walks, or bear hug a keg or a stone and take it for a walk!

Just grab an awkward, heavy object and get walking! Heavy carries kick ass for the following reasons:

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Why Training Lighter Makes You Stronger

When the general population thinks about strength training, the same image will likely come to mind: An athlete with a ridiculously heavy weight on their back, red-faced, grunting and grinding out a very slow difficult rep (or two). However, that image represents a very small percentage of the actual training that causes strength gain. …

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Habits of Successful Powerlifters

In today’s climate, the access to information is easier than it has ever been. Whether it’s the 1000s of articles written around sets/reps, exercises, and training methods, or the millions of training videos posted on social media. There is no denying there are many different ways of getting strong. But, in the age of information overload, what sets the best lifters apart from the rest of the population? 

What habits do the more successful lifters share?

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The Top 5 Reasons to be Strong

STRENGTH training is the basis of any good strength and conditioning program and will enable you to turn that strength into ANY other quality of fitness.

Strength is the foundation of all other aspects of your fitness.

Get stronger and you can run faster, for longer.

Get stronger and you can do more reps on curls, dumbbell bench and other bodybuilding movements.

Get stronger FIRST - then do the rest.

In summary: Training to get stronger makes you a BADASS!

Here are my top 5 reasons to be strong:

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