Posts tagged strength training
I got 99 fitness problems and Crossfit's one.....

Goddammit I have woken up FIRED up and ready to make a change!!


This is my bullet pointed attempt of an 'I have a dream' speech...


.....for fitness and health of course.


And no intro, I'm just gonna rock it out.


here we go!


I have a dream that ONE DAY...

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Don’t Face That Yellow Brick Road ALONE

Our goals always seem so distant, hidden at the end of a long road littered with pitfalls and points of failure with only a sparkly new pair of red running shoes to help us on our way.

Like Dorothy we start on this path alone staring across a strange land of fitness and nutrition unsure of just how long the road will be. Will it take a few days to see the number on the scales go down? Or will it take weeks or even months before you see progress? 

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