Posts tagged sports coaching
Comfort = Laziness and lost goals

It's very easy to get comfortable in life.


Every time I've gained fat, it's due to getting comfortable.


Every time I've taken a step backwards in business, it's due to getting comfortable.


....and I'm sure we all know what happens when you get comfortable in a relationship!


Comfort breeds laziness.


Laziness is a lovely, warm, fuzzy feeling that holds us back.


It's the silent killer of dreams.


It's the demon that keeps you in a job you hate for a few too many years.

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Obsession is Good for You!


I’m 15 years old

I just get Bruce Lee’s workout book in the post, called “The Art of Expressing the Human Body”

(Epic read by the way)

And I was on Summer hols, no rugby, no job, and I lived in the middle of the countryside and obviously couldn’t drive yet

So I had pretty much NO friends or social life either!

But I didn’t give a f*ck!

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