Posts tagged intensity
COACHES CORNER: Working to Capacity - The Dangers of Overtraining

There is a lot of debate at the moment about the subject of “over training” i.e. over working muscle groups compared to conventional thought regarding how often and how hard we should be training. (Volume vs. Load vs. Frequency) 

Imagine your body as a glass of water, the space in the glass representing your potential work capacity for the week. Every time you train you add water to the glass, every time you rest the glass drains slightly but never fully draining the water added when you trained, as you continue to train and rest the glass will continue to fill. 

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5 Stages of Being AVERAGE

A really ruthless one today folks! 

But hey, the truth hurts right?

So spend 5 mins reading this and be truly honest with yourself

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Mindset, SuccessAnthony Shawaverage, aggression, bootcamps in warrington, body transformation warrington, body transformation, built body transformation, beginners training advice, basic training warrington, birchwood park, BIRCHWOOD PARK GYM, beginners, building, clean eating, change, Clarity, consistent, coaching, crossfit warrington, conditioning, denial, bargaining, diet, discipline, education, first time, fitness trainer, fitness classes, fitness, fear, gym, goal setting, gyms near me, GYM IN WARRINGTON, growth, gains, group training, goal, GYMS IN WARRINGTON, gyms in warrington, group fitness, goals, health, intensity, improvement, weakness, lean girls, lean girls body transformation, lifestyle, LAZY BUT LEAN, movie star, mental toughness, mistakes, mistake, meal preparation, muscle building, mindset, muscle gain, new training, nutritionist warrington, NUTRITION, new tips, nutrition warrington, obsession, planning, personal trainer warrington, problems, private gym, positive mental attitude, performance training, personal, private gym warrington, private performance gym, PERSONAL TRAINING, professional, productivity, private coaching, strength gains, simple program, vital performance, variety, visualisation, david lloyd warrington, movements not muscles, private, motivation, WARRINGTON, warrington fat loss, warrington weight loss, warrington strength and conditioning, warringtons best gym, warrington gym, weight loss programme, warrington powerlifting, weight loss, warrington, warrington personal training, workout, warrington body transformation, weight loss warrington, warrington best gym, warrington bootcamp
Obsession is Good for You!


I’m 15 years old

I just get Bruce Lee’s workout book in the post, called “The Art of Expressing the Human Body”

(Epic read by the way)

And I was on Summer hols, no rugby, no job, and I lived in the middle of the countryside and obviously couldn’t drive yet

So I had pretty much NO friends or social life either!

But I didn’t give a f*ck!

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How To 10X Your Fitness Results...

One benefit I've always had since starting out in fitness

Is that I've always trained the 'right' way

There's so much confusion about what the right way is in fitness

Because on the one hand; you've got scientists, coaches, athletes

....people who study and practice what GETS RESULTS

On the other hand; you've got entrepreneurs, businesspeople and salesmen

...people who study what MAKES MONEY 

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And On The Seventh Day God said... "Sit Down And Rest Will You?!"

When approaching an exercise program we all come across problems of our own creation, often these are due to urban myths, bro science or simply a misunderstanding of how the body works and responds to exercise.

Think back to the last time you planned a new exercise regime, it may have been the first time back at it after a long period off or it could have been a plan to take the next step up in your training. I bet you went through and planned out each and every days exercise... Am I right?

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FitnessAnthony Shawathlete, body transformation warrington, built body transformation, beginners training advice, beginners, basic training warrington, body transformations, BIRCHWOOD PARK GYM, coaching, coach, change, Clarity, consistent, discipline, daily routine, diet, fitness classes, fitness training, fitness, goal setting, gyms in warrington, gains, GYMS IN WARRINGTON, goal, gyms near me, goals, group fitness, group training, gym, GYM IN WARRINGTON, hypertrophy, health, improvement, intensity, injury, orford jubilee gym, weakness, workout, quick workout, mistake, LAZY BUT LEAN, lean girls, LEAN GIRLS, muscle building, motivation, muscle gain, muscle, growth, north west, nutritionist warrington, NUTRITION, routine, bootcamps in warrington, progression, preparation, personal trainer warrington, performance training, private performance gym, performance gym, PERSONAL TRAINING, personal development, personal trainer, semi private personal training, problems, professional, pure gym warrington, private gym, raw strength gym, raw strength, rest, recovery, prehab, rehab, soft tissue work, simple program, simple workout plan, success, training, tips, training program, david lloyd warrington, warringtons best gym, warrington fat loss, warrington bootcamp, warrington weight loss, warrington personal training, warrington best gym, warrington body transformation, warrington powerlifting, warrington gym, warrington strength and conditioning, weight loss programme, warrington, weight loss warrington
Don’t Face That Yellow Brick Road ALONE

Our goals always seem so distant, hidden at the end of a long road littered with pitfalls and points of failure with only a sparkly new pair of red running shoes to help us on our way.

Like Dorothy we start on this path alone staring across a strange land of fitness and nutrition unsure of just how long the road will be. Will it take a few days to see the number on the scales go down? Or will it take weeks or even months before you see progress? 

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Running is NOT Good For You!

What’s up Raw Strength Fans!

Yesterday we started off a conversation on Surprising fitness truths…


Then read it here >>

Now let’s dive into the second mind bending truth…

** Running is NOT good for you! **

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