Don’t Face That Yellow Brick Road ALONE

Our goals always seem so distant, hidden at the end of a long road littered with pitfalls and points of failure with only a sparkly new pair of red running shoes to help us on our way.

Like Dorothy we start on this path alone staring across a strange land of fitness and nutrition unsure of just how long the road will be. Will it take a few days to see the number on the scales go down? Or will it take weeks or even months before you see progress? 

Just imagine how much easier the trip would have been for Dorothy if she had a guide and some like-minded companions. When looking at the long journey ahead, it's easy to start out lost and daunted by just how much there is to do.

For most people starting on a journey towards a fitness or health goal, it is one of the most intimidating things they have done in a long time. Normally people undertake this huge journey alone, with minimal knowledge, just the advice from friends and family, things they have read in a magazine and on the internet.

And without constant feedback or a measure of your progress, doubt sets in...
"Am I doing the right thing?" 
"Is it worth all this effort?"
"When will I see results?"

You begin to realise that you need to make major changes in certain aspects of your life in order to reach your goal quickly, such as making time to exercise, changing your eating habits and giving up indulgences. It can all become too much, and many start to believe that they will fail due to the sheer magnitude of the task ahead, before they have even got going.

Much like Dorothy had the support of her companions, support is invaluable to success. When working towards your goals, an experienced coach can guide you and get you to your goal FASTER and a Tribe of like-minded individuals like yourself will keep you motivated and committed along the way.

There are THREE things that can help you to the end of that yellow brick road...

A Heart; Commercial gyms see each member as a number, a faceless member in the system, they don’t care what your goal is, or if you achieve it, they keep your direct debt running and you can skip the gym whenever you like. Here we care whether you reach the end of your yellow brick road, so we keep track of your goals along the way and work with you to ensure you hit them. We will check-in when you miss sessions, hold you accountable but also make sure that you are ok, and not overwhelmed by the task at hand.

A Brain; Every aspect of your your exercise program and nutrition system are laid out for you, we assess your goals and make sure you follow the program that is best suited to you. We make sure you never stray too far from the path with an online nutrition system personalised to you, with weekly check-ins and constant support to ensure you progress.

Courage; There is no need to be scared or overwhelmed by how much work there is to be done. We are most proud of is our positive and friendly atmosphere. Our tribe of members are all here to follow their own yellow brick road that leads to a better version of themselves. They will support you, keep you company and make the journey FUN. The social aspect of RSG is very important to us so we organise social events and charity days, where we gather in the gym for fun and relaxed training sessions and enjoy time away from the gym with a cheat meal or two.

So, don’t take one more step down that yellow brick road alone. Surround yourself with the support of a group of experts and like-minded individuals and I assure you the journey will be easier, faster and more enjoyable.