Consistency is key! 3 Simple tips to keep you on track to achieving your goals

When was the last time you committed to changing your lifestyle in order to be fitter and healthier only to fall at the first hurdle?

Day one and you can’t find anything that fits your nutrition plan in the local shop, so you abandon all hope and get your regular sandwich, sugary drink and a bar of chocolate... Try again tomorrow right? One day won't kill me... right?

Once we set a goal, be it to run a marathon or get six pack abs, the real key to achieving it is consistency… from day one to day 100+. You're right, one day won't kill you, but it might set you back a week from achieving your goal.

What if i told you we could fool proof our life to prevent these kind of slip ups and ensure that every day went exactly as planned, stress free?

The 5 P’s - “Prior Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance”

Living with a father in the military resulted in more cliche’d sayings than you could imagine, but this one always stuck. Boiled down to it’s purest form, the 5 P’s tell you that 5 minutes work now will save you a whole lot of time and stress later.

Take 5 minutes this evening before bed to pack your lunch, snacks and gym kit.
> This will save you time in the morning so you can get up and go.
> You won’t have to run around at lunch madly trying to find the right food in your short lunch hour.
> You can head off to the gym rather than going home first and fighting the traffic a second time round, or even worse, being tempted to sit don on the sofa where you will never get back up.

Use that time saved to be more productive or simply unwind.

Embrace the 21st century

Let’s be honest, most of the population now spend 99% of their time glued to their phones, as technology has advanced, we have become more and more reliant on our handheld devices.

Embrace the phone! Use the variety of apps and programmes available to make your fitness commitments easier. Using apps you can monitor your sleep patterns, track your diet, remind you when to eat and even track and record the progress made towards your goal.

We suggest MyFitnessPal to all our clients, it helps track their daily nutrition and eliminates potential slip ups when food is planned in advance. For the more nerdy among you Habit RPG is a cool little phone app where your character is given XP and rewards for making consistent real life commitments towards eating healthy and exercising... who said fitness can’t be fun!

Outsource your problems

Can’t cook or won’t cook? Neither has to be a problem anymore, with a host of companies jumping on the chance to cater for those looking for healthy precooked meals. In the North West there are now several companies such as Bosu Body Bar ( who will supply you with a week's worth of healthy delicious food for a reasonable price.

Want to train but don’t know how? Without a consistent and well written exercise program you can waste years of your life in the gym making little to no real progress.

Gym memberships are what you pay for, your budget price gym will produce budget results, however investing in a top notch coached program will not only get you the results you need but save time and money in the long run. 

There you have it, three simple ways you can save time and energy, whilst taking steps towards your goals. These are easy to implement and will make a huge difference to your lifestyle. Now go take action!