Why Being in a Team is the Centre of Everything

During the lockdown you probably didn't register ground breaking workouts, deadlift heavy, or beast yourself with disgusting conditioning.

That's because you were in isolation.

You had NO accountability to show up to train or eat right

You were cut off from being surrounded by positive people

You had no structure or deadline to your goals

You had no team energy to feed off and train with INTENSITY

First off, you're not alone. Every single one of our members struggled with this. Every one of my friends struggled.

Me and Sara struggled with our own training.

Basically, you're normal....

...AKA a flawed human in a complex and unforgiving world.

So let me help you get started, watch the video below with my thoughts and a blueprint to lighting a fire up your arse again.

^^the video also has some BTS shots of training and intense conditioning!

Then do the below process.


(again, make sure to watch the video first)

How to Light a Fire up Your Arse Checklist:

1. Brain dump all of your goals onto paper

2. Pick ONE goal you can achieve, at a push, in 90 days

3. Decide on a nutrition strategy that YOU WILL DO

4. Schedule a reasonably enjoyable training/eating week

5. Join a group of training partners

So that's the simple process outlined. Now please go and actually do it. Grab some paper. Turn off all technology and fucking do this.

I know how heartbreakingly lonely and depressing it can be to fail, to lose confidence in yourself, to self-sabotage and feel like the same life problems come up again and again. Do the above process as it is a lesson born out of my own personal flaws.

Then, you absolutely MUST sign-up to join a training team because being in a team:

> raises the energy level of everyone

> holds you accountable to showing up

> aligns you with successful people who want you to win

> pushes you to train harder than you could ever do alone

You already know what going it alone is like.

Choose yourself. Choose winning.

...and do it with others.

It truly is the centre of everything.

If you'd like a 28 day trial of Raw Strength Gym then email me at anthony@rawstrength.co.uk

Here's the process:

1. We will have a free phone consultation to discuss your goals

2. You will be onboarded into a 28 day trial group

3. We will make sure your lifestyle, diet and training level up to the max inside 28 days

4. If you show us the commitment we want, you can join the team for 6-12 months

Make a start and let me know how you get on

Train Hard


Anthony Shaw


Raw Strength Gym