Posts in Diet
It's Monday, has the diet started?

If not, don't worry - you're normal

Only 0.000001% of the population is out there instagramming their prepped meals

Most of us just can't do that

Here's why:

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”

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Office Snacks Are Coming to Town

As we come into December this week, you will want to read this VERY PRACTICAL guide to sticking to the diet when at work.

Share with a friend who needs this

Stay strong guys, Xmas is only a few days and you deserve to enjoy it

You don't deserve to be dragged off track by snack-crazed work colleagues.

So here are a few ways to stay strong at work when everybody else is eating sugary, christmassy junk food.....

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DietAnthony Shaw
WIN weekend dieting....

Sticking to your plan on the weekends can be TOUGH

Many people quit

But it can be super simple!

Let me tell you a quick story

A few months ago I was running a nutrition seminar at RSG.

'twas a Sunday morning, all was calm and well

I ran my clients through basic eating, how to focus on calories and be disciplined.

Towards the end of the seminar….

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Xmas Fitness Survival Guide

Most of the people around you will totally shut down for Christmas

Actually, they are probably on the mince pies already and counting down the days until they're off work

Then they'll go all 'Warrior Monk' on Jan 1st: no beer, no carbs, no mercy!!

...and they'll last about 10 days before going back to their old ways

Most people make getting in shape HARDER than it needs to be

Believe me, I've dieted through xmas before and there's nothing worse than being the boring person eating turkey and veggies ONLY and sipping on water.

My family thought I was an arsehole. And I was really grumpy!

Much better to plan a bit of fun AND achieve your goals.

So how could we all eat a little better around Christmas?

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how to fix CBA thoughts

When you miss a few days of logging a new habit, your mind says something like:

"ah I can't be arsed now, I'll never catch anyone else up, I quit"

First there's a big drop-off in EXECUTION, then motivation drops off too

If you've tried a new habit and it's already disappearing, here's what to do:

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The RULES of getting leaner

Do you ever feel like you aren't getting leaner or stronger?

This can be really frustrating when you're sticking to your diet AND going to the gym too!

why do some people get good results from eating well and training hard, yet others flat out fail?


I guess this is a survival mechanism in the brain, the 'chimp brain' - which is always looking for danger. Emotional or physical.

Over millennia, rather than deluding ourselves with positivity, negativity kept us safe.

"should we go into that dark cave? It looks scary. It might have a bear inside"

Problem is, how your chimp brain 'feels' your results are going is NOT a good way of gauging progress on a fitness plan.

Here's an example…

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Eat on the go and stay healthy - SUMMARY


The way you look and feel is a side effect of how you live your life.

For many people, it's easy to review whether you need to change directions in life or not.

Simply look in the mirror and ask, “am I happy with the way my body looks?”

Or, “am I living as my best self?”

This will give easy (if quite painful!) indicators of whether or not a new life strategy is needed.

It’s not enough to simply try to “eat better” or “stop eating crap”

You’ve tried that and it didn’t work!

In my experience, when somebody improves all areas of their life, it’s much easier to eat right, train hard, sleep well and feel great.

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Eat on the go and stay healthy: PART TWO


We all get stuck in a rut.

In fact, I believe the way we live our lives is broken.

People in the UK spend less than 2 hours of their day outside

The average british citizen will spend 47 years working, probably in a job they hate

The fitness media does a terrible job of separating facts from fiction.

And so try as we do, after doing a diet 95% of us will regain the fat lost within 3 yrs.

Back to 'stuck in a rut' mode


I did this once.

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Eat on the go and stay healthy: PART ONE

When we eat on the go we tend to eat crap. We know eating junk is bad but we still do it!

This is a massive obstacle to being a healthy, strong and happy human.

So let’s talk about why this happens and how to fix it.

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Stressed & Sleeping Poorly? You’re not alone

I believe there's an epidemic sneaking up on us...

I see hundreds of people each year walk into my gym (not bullshit marketing hype here, I actually do as a head coach of a decent sized gym)...

....and it's time to talk straight.

YOU are struggling.

Stop hiding it.

Stop ignoring it.

You have no identity or life of your own.

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