Posts in Mindset
INSTANTLY switch to a Positive Mindset with this trick….

Ever been mad at someone then they made you laugh?

You gotta really try to stay mad in these cases! haha

This is an example of your mood state changing.

Perhaps you had a good reason to be upset, but once your STATE changed, you smiled.

The cool thing is you can harness this 'mood switch' to get in better shape.

You choose your mood. Therefore you choose your mindset.

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Forget What You Think is Possible

For every ONE ripped, lean 'selfie' pic I see online...

...I know there are thousands of people who are nowhere near that state of physical perfection

Many people are annoyed, frustrated and ready to give up on 'dieting' and going to the gym

Maybe you feel like that today.

But know this

When you are trying to change yourself you must suspend disbelief

Literally FORGET what you THINK is possible

cos that's likely holding you back right now

Remember the FACT that humans can look amazing naked

You are a human, right?

Stop trying to get just 50% of the way to your goal, get 100%

Stop shrinking your goals, make them BIGGER

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6 Steps to Change your Life

There’s good evidence that you’ll fall back to the level of your identity.

This happens all the time with lottery winners who were previously poor. They blow all the money and end up poor again.

They never identified as rich people.

You have to identify (live as, feel like, look like etc.) the PERSON YOU WANT TO BE! 

Otherwise you are just acting and it’s only a matter of time before the old you, the old demons, grab you and take you back to your own personal hell (piling the weight back on, skipping the gym, binge eating on Wednesdays etc.)

here's my 6 best ways to Identify as a healthy person:

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3 Ways to Expand Your Mind

The power of the mind can unlock massive gains in strength, muscle growth and athletic performance (e.g. aerobic/anaerobic power)…

So how much do you care for your brain?

I’m going to show you three incredible ways that I’ve used with myself and my clients to help the mind expand into new beliefs, behaviours and strengths that will take you to a higher physical level that you are on right now.

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How to Live & Breathe Your Goals

Your goals define exactly what you want to achieve, where you want to go, who you want to meet and how you want to look.

Perhaps right now, you’re not happy with your life in one or more areas: money, health, relationships, hobbies etc.

Carry on as you are and you’ll get what you’ve already got.

Here’s how to make a change and force the change by living the path.

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Work Hard, Stay Humble and FEEL the Benefits...

Training is hard and progress does take a long time. If it didn’t there would be a lot of strong people strutting around everywhere. But if you honestly review yourself, your performance and your work ethic, are you nearer the start or the end of the long road of your training journey?

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1 TIP to stop wasting time

Have you ever wondered why when you need to go to the gym, or do sprints, or do your final piece of a project your brain magically finds other things to do? 

It’s like YOU think, “well I really need to finish writing my report or I’ll be in trouble.”

But your BRAIN thinks, “yes but have you seen those videos of cucumbers scaring cats?!”

You then find yourself on youtube. Not writing that report.

This is exactly the same as your training. You know what you need to do to achieve your goals, you do! Want to bench 100kg? Want to deadlift 200kg? Then next time you’re in the gym ask yourself the following question;

“Am I being effective? Or doing useless stuff?”

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The 5 Greatest Training Secrets

Ask yourself the daily question, did I become better today? I know that some days you can’t be bothered to go to the gym, or you may be injured, or tired or whatever. The reality is this: The Universe Doesn’t Give a Shit. You can either achieve your goals, or make up excuses as to why you failed.

Here’s how to succeed beyond your wildest dreams with 5 simple secrets….

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How Mindfulness can Improve Your Workout

Training is hard, understanding how to stay motivated and never give in is one of the greatest challenges of self-improvement.

It is a war, and EVERY day is a battle. 

If you win the battles, you’ll win the war.

But how do you stay motivated?

As in the Buddhist practice of Zen, “THE ONLY TIME IS NOW”. 

Read it until it’s ingrained in your mind. 

During training your mind will play tricks on you. Don’t let it.

Practising mindfulness is a way to strengthen your mind. 

Perhaps you notice thoughts like, “I’ll do this set then leave it there.” Or “I don’t feel up to it today”


These thoughts are mental limits on your physical ability!

Remember that the only time is now :-)

Here are a few ways to focus on “the now” in your training:

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The Science of Meditation

What if I told you there was a proven, simple way to reduce stress that we all have access to?

It’s time we spoke about meditation, brought it out of the shadows and discuss it’s use in managing stress.

Meditation is a practical, simple and cheap way of reducing psychological stress.

Reducing stress is important as part of a healthy lifestyle as a way of preventing stress related diseases and psychological issues (anxiety, depression).

You can also improve cognitive function, i.e make it more likely you’ll eat veggies than ice cream later on today!

So what are the types of meditation most commonly used?

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