5 Reasons to join our Team Training

#1 - You'll learn from other members

Many of our RISE program members have been exactly where you are right now.

> overweight

> stressed

> physically unfit

> weak

> confused about nutrition

By asking the team (all the members at RSG) for advice you will immediately have several little tips to add to your training, nutrition and lifestyle!

#2 - Complimentary strengths are utilised together

You might enjoy calorie counting and planning out meals and recipes.

Another member might struggle here, so you can help them.

Likewise you might struggle pushing past your mental barriers during interval training.

Another member may really excel at mental toughness and shout some words of encouragement your way.

Why focus on just your own strengths when you can blend with a team and have it all?

#3 - Builds close friendships

There is nothing quite like completing a lung-bursting workout with a training partner.

Or hearing some motivating words as you go to deadlift a new PB.

These moments foster true feelings of friendship because you both challenge each other to achieve more and help each other get there.

Many people only have work 'friends' and family. So being able to unlock a brand new group of friends is incredible, and a true boost to your social life and mental health.

#4 - Your efforts will feel like they matter

People go to gyms and expect to see results within a few weeks.

Usually this isn't the case, so said person then quits going to the gym.

They didn't feel like their efforts made any difference!

Well, what if you felt appreciated, significant and like you'd contributed to a bigger picture in every session?

Could you hold on for a few months of training, rather than years, if you enjoyed going to the gym?

Results are SECONDARY to doing the hard work in the gym, and eating right, for months and months and months.

You get a sense of togetherness as you pursue your own goals within a team - a feeling that helps many people enjoy training enough to do it long term - thus see results.

#5 - Encourages you to step outside your comfort zone

This can also be explained as, "getting a kick up the arse!"

Most people, when training alone, just can't push themselves to new physical limits every time they train.

Within a group though, things are different:

> friendly competitiveness

> coaches motivating you

> fun team environment

> written goals and deadlines

> a gym full of ONLY you and your training partners

Well.....most people can regularly train outside of their comfort zone given the above.

This is vital for the following reason:



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#1 - You'll learn from other members

#2 - Complimentary strengths are utilised together

#3 - Builds close friendships

#4 - Your efforts will feel like they matter

#5 - Encourages you to step outside your comfort zone

If you want these benefits, you can start a 6 week trial on our RISE program.

You will get into the best shape of your life, lose-fat, build strength & size FAST:

Click here to find out more: http://rawstrength.co.uk/rise

Anthony Shaw

Head Coach

Raw Strength Gym