Posts in rise program
5 Reasons to join our Team Training

#1 - You'll learn from other members
Many of our RISE program members have been exactly where you are right now.

> overweight

> stressed

> physically unfit

> weak

> confused about nutrition

By asking the team (all the members at RSG) for advice you will immediately have several little tips to add to your training, nutrition and lifestyle!

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“99 percenters”

Most people are happy to chug along in the same job every year, even though they HATE it.

Most people drag you down, they don’t mean to of course, but they do.

This is a big problem when you get fired up and step up your positive actions.

For example, ever been on a diet at work?

You hear stuff from the 99 percenters like…

“are you dieting again?”

“want to come out for a drink this evening?”

“you having salad….again…?!”

They want you to live DOWN to their expectations. You’re probably making them feel bad about themselves.

Just like crabs in a bucket - when one tries to escape the rest drag her back in.

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