WANTED: 3 ‘guinea-pigs’ to train with me and get in AWESOME shape – for FREE!

Guinea-pig may not be the most flattering word I’ll ever call you, but it’s exactly what I’m looking for!

I’ve just finished developing a special new lean body-transformation program that I’ve been ‘playing with’ in the Raw Strength Lab for a while now.

This program is aimed at SUPER FAST body changes and a MASSIVE improvement in health and energy and it will involve some things that are a little ‘different’. Scientifically sound, just not used by the masses. Personally, I’ve used them on myself and I’m bursting with energy and leaner than ever.

It’ll involve at least 12 sessions of HARD exercise, advanced nutrition guidance and boatloads of motivation from me, PERSONALLY.

I’m looking for 3 people to do the program, for FREE (I’m gonna SPONSOR you)

The 3 selected people will be put through my ‘rapid body transformation’ program and will be told everything they need to get a killer body in – wait for it –




Before you start whining that it can’t be done and that it’s ‘not realistic’ or ‘bad for you’, hold on, you’re actually wrong.

Myself and all of my clients have got similar results, and it is VERY safe (there’s no calorie counting or special supplements).

There’ll be unlimited veggies and meat, fresh fish and lots of water involved and you’ll only be giving me 45 mins of exercise each day – hardly extreme, right?

So here’s what I’m looking for in my ‘guinea-pigs’…


  • I’m after men and women who are SERIOUS about making BIG CHANGES to their bodies over the next month.


  • I want people who are able, DEFINITELY able to blog DAILY (both written AND video) about their ‘lean muscle journey’ and how they’re feeling and also willing to let me use before and after photos as ‘evidence’ after you’re in AWESOME shape.


  • I’m looking for people who are sick and tired of the way they look and feel and are DESPERATE to MAKE A CHANGE.


  • I’m looking for people that will have around 60 pounds that they’re willing to invest in life changing nutritional supplements to help them get results even faster


  • You’ll also need to be able to commit to attending 3x sessions a week at Raw Strength Gym, 6pm, weekdays.


If you’re one of these people then you MAY qualify for one of my 3 places.

That’s it!

Pretty simple, right?

Yeh, getting in great shape is actually simple but NOT easy, unless you train with me!

But listen; if all of the above sounds ‘a bit too much’ or ‘a bit extreme’ then this program probably isn’t for you, so there’s no need to read on J

So why am I doing this for nothing?

Is there a hidden agenda?

It should actually be pretty obvious BUT I’ll spell it out anyway.

I REALLY believe in this new program but I don’t want to give it to VIP ‘paying clients’ just yet.

You see, people are sceptical, they don’t always believe that amazing results are possible, so I’m looking for guinea-pigs to ‘road test’ it on to PROVE that this new program kicks ass!

So, once this ‘trial’ is over, I’ll have some walking, talking EVIDENCE that this works. (I’m actually 100% convinced it does).

Sure, I could just TELL new people to join up and take part, but the truth is, only a few of them MAY follow my new stuff, which is no good to any of us right?


At the end of this ‘EXPERIMENT’ I’m going to have 3 people demonstrating the absolute proof of my improved lean body transformation formula to anyone who remotely doubts it. And it’ll be in ‘real time’ too, none of this bollocks with fake tans and photoshopped pictures!

Once ‘people who aren’t with me yet’ SEE the results for themselves I’ll have no problem at all building a tight-knit community of lean and strong people.

So THAT’s the reason. It’s up front for everyone to see. Nothing hidden.

Go ahead and ‘sell yourself’ to me by telling me absolutely anything and everything you think I need to know about WHY YOU should be one of the lucky 3 who WILL get some RAPID changes in their bodies within 19 days.

I’ll be choosing the winners myself and announce the winners this Sunday, so there’s no time to hang about.

If you want in and you’re SERIOUS (did I mention that already?) then leave your message in the comments area below.

Prove to me WHY it should be you and I’ll prove to you that YOU can get in AWESOME shape in a short amount of time!

