How Did They Blast Away The Fat?


A few weeks ago I made some outlandish claims.


I told you that I was going to take 3 ‘guinea-pigs’ and put them through a diet experiment like no other AND that after just 19 days, they would have some seriously impressive results.


I staked my reputation on it.


Well, I know what you’re thinking…..


Ant, what results did those 3 people get in those 19 days?


Let’s take a look….



KEVIN – Lost 11 pounds!


Kevin is a husband, father and one hell of a busy working man. The nutrition plan he received was based around high protein, high fat meals. We limited his intake of carbs to post-workout only, or on just two ‘cheat meals’ each week (to keep him sane or satisfy any cravings without ruining his progress).


The training plan I gave Kevin started out with intense strongman conditioning; farmers walks, sled drags and different variations of bodyweight press-ups and rows. We then shifted into a combination of heavy resistance training with explosive jumps and throws. For both phases the rest periods were extremely short, 30-90 seconds.


Kevin did 9 sessions with me over the 19 days. Nice and simple!


This is what Kevin said about the program:


I've been guilty in the past of skipping meals but am now realising that's a big no no! Monday morning I had a 4 egg omelette with loads of veg, I wasn't hungry before lunch time! Normally if I've skipped a meal I’ll get hungry and then that's when I'd be tempted to snack on something easy like crisps or chocolate.

I was a bit worried about going to a gym that I'd never been to before. This was made worse by the fact that I didn't know what sort of exercise I would be doing. Having completed my first hour long session yesterday I feel a lot more comfortable now. Anthony made me feel at ease and just got on with the workout. My shoulders are a little achy today, but nothing horrendous! I think in my next session tomorrow I need to take Anthony's advise about not being afraid to fail and bump the weight up a little more.



ALISON: - Lost 13 pounds!


Alison was really worried that she wouldn’t be fit enough to START! Judging by the emails I’ve received, there are a lot of men and women who feel the same. Well, changing your body literally starts with the first step, you can only ever do work at your current level, then push a little harder next time.


You can ALWAYS do something to lose the weight!


So Alison came in, had a little knee pain, she struggled to keep up with the group at first too, so we had a quick chat and I gave her longer rest periods and made sure she was working at a good pace without crushing her! Again, nice and simple solutions to what could be both a physical and an emotional problem.


This is what Alison said about the program:

I was slightly sceptical before starting the diet and fitness programme with raw strength but so pleased I started.

13lbs down in 19 days and feeling so much fitter.

A big thank you to Anthony who was so supportive and made me feel I could achieve success :-)


*      *      *


KATE: - Lost 5.5 pounds!



Kate is a really busy fire-fighter, but her shifts fit in really well with my flexible schedule and we got down to some hard training right away. Kate was definitely bringing the intensity to each session, even putting the men to shame on some days!


That’s what I like to see!


Kate worked hard to get her diet dialled in, truthfully it’s going to take a little longer for us to find out exactly how she should be feeding her body, what amounts, and what foods she likes best. I suggested a shift away from gluten, which decreased bloating in the gut, Kate is also lactose intolerant, so all meal plans had to be dairy-free (I did suggest goats milk as an experiment but she was having none of it!).


This is what Kate said about the program:


I've joined Raw Strength Gym and they have put me on a diet and fitness plan.

I've promised myself that I'll get back into my size 10 jeans.

I've always been into fitness. Was in the Army as a medic for 5 years, then came out and joined Lancashire Fire and Rescue. Once I'd joined the fire service, they gave me the option to study as well, so I'm now going into my 3rd year at Salford University doing Sports Rehabilitation. Since I started at Uni I've felt like I have no time for anything. 100 hours a week is spent at work, 25 hours a week at Uni, and it leaves very little to socialise or for gym time. Now I find myself at a whopping 13 stones!

I've lost 2kgs in 2weeks!!!! Bloody amazed!! Loads to go but so motivated now.


Thanks Ant :)


Who is this program for?


This program is for busy men and women, parents, people who have tried multiple ways to lose weight and just want something done-for-them that flat out works and quickly delivers exactly what you want…


A body that looks damn good with your clothes off!


What do I get?


You’ll become part of a small, focused training group (maximum of 12 people per session) that you can be proud to be part of, with the following benefits from the second you join:


  • Fun, beginner-friendly program, with room to advance to your biggest dreams and goals
  • Strength and muscle gains
  • Quick fat loss
  • Learn about healthy eating
  • Regular fitness challenges
  • Fun social nights out!
  • Stop by after work, easy to commit to
  • A highly skilled strength and conditioning coach in every session
  • Private, closed gym for each Strength Club meeting, so you have a fully equipped, INDOOR gym all to yourself
  • Unique, varied and challenging training methods, a mix of : Powerlifting, Athletic Power Moves, Strongman Training, Gymnastic Moves
  • A comprehensive program, 3 days a week
  • Transform your life and your body
  • Improve your posture and get rid of aches and pains


If you’d like to transform your body, click HERE to get some more information.


I am 100% confident that I can help you get your ideal body, that’s why I ran this experiment. How would you feel if you lost up to a stone in the next 3 weeks?


Remember, help is just a click away! Go HERE to learn more.

