Rugby Strength Show #13 - Two Easy & Daily Recovery Movements

It's been a great summer….unless you've been crushed by your coach in pre-season training! But hey, rugby's a tough sport for tough guys…and girls, so sometimes you gotta put the work in or you simply won't be fit enough when the season starts. The problem is that with an increased volume of training, your recovery needs also increase. Very simply, you need to look after yourself.

This means:


1. More sleep

2. More healthy food and water

3. More light recovery workouts and mobility drills


Today's show is to help you get into a regular routine of mobility work, cos let's face it, stretching can be a pain-in-the-ass to remember and boring as hell to do!

So in this video I make it really easy to do, challenge yourself to try it daily for 2 weeks and you'll really enjoy the difference.

REMEMBER: Recover faster and you'll get quicker gains!



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