RAW STRENGTH TV.... "How to Control the Morning to OWN the Day!"



Do You Ever Wake Up Feeling "Less than perfect" ??


This video has THE GAMECHANGER!!


My life has been 10X more positive, successful, enjoyable since taking this little step.


Watch and share the love :-)


Let me know if you want any help or advice, just email me

Speak soon

Anthony Shaw

Head Coach

Raw Strength Gym, Warrington

- - PS - -

Let's say that you joined the program today, what would happen?

Well, we'd give your current strength levels a kickstart with a program based around squats, deadlifts, glute bridges and pull-ups

this triggers the body to rapidly adapt and build new muscle, which then improves posture.

The way you look will become leaner and more athletic. 
You'll train in the gym 3x per week with your own coach and in a group of around 8 other women with the exact same goal.

We train with weights and we're going to teach you how to lift from scratch.

We also use ropes, bodyweight movements, kettlebells and some intense conditioning workouts so you can stimulate the fat burning process. 

The whole program is coached in detail, you're never left alone, instead we'll guide you step by step through each workout.

We also aim to help you stick to a nutrition plan with detailed goals every week, but laid out in a simple way with meal plans, example recipes and support on this every day in our facebook group. 

The nutrition is one of the most important parts of the program so we're really going to give you a lot of support and help here. 

Plus we train hard in our private gym and have fun as a team

Proper training with a coach by your side AND great nutrition means that you are GUARANTEED success

So if you want help from my team and I please get in touch today

Here's the link to apply: https://rawstrengthgym.wufoo.eu/forms/-lean-girls-12-week-body-transformation-/

We ALWAYS agree on a result with you and together we achieve that over 12 weeks.

Which is just in time for when the sun comes out May-August holiday season

So plan ahead this year!

Here's that link again: https://rawstrengthgym.wufoo.eu/forms/-lean-girls-12-week-body-transformation-/