Rugby Strength Show #14 - Three Ways to Train for Power

Let me introduce to you the three phases of every power movement... Understanding these phases will help you plan smarter training blocks and individual exercises. For the majority of your training, use jumps. All types of jumps are helpful, just watch the video after reading the definitions of each phase of power movements below and it will all make sense!


Concentric Phase:

This is where you are producing force AKA jumping upwards, the drive forward in sprinting, a big hit as you lift the opponent off the floor.

Eccentric Phase: This is where you receive force AKA landing from a jump, the impact of your foot on the ground during sprinting, the absorbing phase of impact on your shoulder when making a big hit.

Amortisation Phase: This is the gap in time between receiving force and then producing it again.

To understand this phase I want you to imagine a pendulum swinging.

Don't get hypnotised just yet though! Just visualise it swinging left to right AND be aware of the pendulum stopping at the top of each swing, just as the power runs out on the way up and just before it starts to fall back down.

That gap where the pendulum is hanging mid-air, just poised to start falling and producing force, is the amortisation phase.


Concentric, eccentric and amortisation phases are part of every power movement you do, so whether that's sidestepping an opponent, jumping for a high ball or just sprinting down the pitch like a cheetah, you NEED to focus on each phase in your training!

Here's the video for today:




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