Posts tagged calories
lose weight by eating more, wtf?

Leaving Uni as a 21 year old hot head, I thought I had all the answers.


I approached opening my new gym all those years ago with an arrogance that simply telling people what to do would get them results.


Life chewed me up and spit me back out. For example, when it comes to losing body fat we have a very simple energy equation:


calories in versus calories out.


But trying teaching this to clients when I'd just left uni?


No chance.

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Please stop weighing yourselves...

I used to love weighing myself, probably did it twice a day EVERY day.


I'd get obsessed about gaining weight for rugby.


I'd even set weight goals for each day.....'I'm gonna hit 13 stone by the end of today or die trying!' I'd affirm to myself.


Then inevitably the scales would make me unhappy as I wasn't heavy enough.

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