8 Ways to Re-Ignite Fitness After Summer

Good morning Raw Strength fans!

It’s a tough time of year

Self-reflection time!

Realising that you probably haven’t been as healthy as you should have been is painful

I’ll include myself in this for sure, I’ve had a great summer!

But when you need to get focused, what are the best ways?

I’ve put together a quick list of my favourite ways that myself and my clients use to re-focus MENTALLY on fitness…


1) Agree a date with yourself to START taking fitness seriously again. And make a 30 day calendar to tick off the days and build momentum. Put that calendar on your fridge door.

2) Think back to when you were getting the best results…..what were you doing that you could now replicate? Make a quick list and begin!

3) Alcohol consumption likely increased due to more weddings, parties, holidays over the summer….start ordering still water or diet coke at your next meal out and just exercise a little control again - have a beer or glass of wine at the meal AFTER that, of course. But be healthy at your next social event, just to prove to yourself that you can.

4) Go one month without ordering takeaways, grabbing a frozen pizza or ready meal - make your own meals for one month.

5) Finish every workout with a 10-15 minute INTENSE burst of conditioning work. Burpees, sprints on the rowing machine, kettle bell complexes, hurricanes, tabata front squats and interval work are my go-to methods. This inspires you to eat clean, cos what’s the point going through that much pain only to ruin it with shite eating habits!

6) Join or create a team of positive people to train with. This might be a new sport, a new group training program (hint hint!), or just a quality group of friends to have fun with and hang out in the gym. 

7) SHIFT the way you think about fitness from a short-term intensive period, to a long-term ‘for the rest of my life’ mindset. You will have your body until you die. Look after it. 

> Don’t retreat into apathy and ignore glaring issues such as joint pain, muscle tightness, body fat gain etc. 

> Don’t do a 14 day bikini body plan then spend 3 years getting fat. 

> DO slowly spend 3 years getting lean in an enjoyable way then spend 14 days enjoying yourself on holiday. Shift the think!

8) Eat foods that are simple to prepare. Perhaps not the healthiest but a transition from ‘shit’ to ‘better’.

For example, a can of no-drain tuna, a bag of microwave rice (Uncle Ben's’ spicy Mexican rice is awesome….just saying) and a handful of pre-mixed salad will take 3 MINUTES to prepare. This has protein, veggies and carbs in a (fairly) natural way. 

In the future you can shift to fresh tuna on the grill and baked sweet potatoes. But the goal here, is to NOT get overwhelmed…

* * *

That’ll do, I could’ve kept going but lets keep this as simple as possible team!

If you want a ton of resources on WHAT to eat, HOW much to eat, how to progress your nutrition, how to tweak your food intake depending on your current weight and goals and a load more….

Well this is part of our nutrition process for ALL our clients.

What’s your goal? What do you want to achieve before the end of the year and why?!
Send me an email at rawstrengthgym@gmail.com and tell me what your goal is

Summer is still here! 

Let’s enjoy it

Speak soon