How to Kick Ass & Get Stronger in SEPTEMBER

They say there are TWO starts to the year

Jan 1st

And September 1st

It’s when the schools go back to class, university starts, lots of sporting seasons fire up

So let’s use this as a re-set for the mind and body!

I don’t want you to be like most people from now on.

If you want a leaner, stronger body - will doing what you’ve done over the past 3 months get you there?

Only you know. 

SO be honest!


MOST people will ignore their health progressively through Sept > Nov

MOST people will hit ZERO workouts in December

MOST people will start being aware of their lack in fitness around Dec 31st

MOST people will set a New Year’s Resolution to get in shape Jan 1st onwards

…..which always ends up being Jan 2nd or 3rd after the inevitable hangovers and weekends etc.


My question is:



Why the hell would you want to waste…..let me just check the exact amount of days left this year….

121 DAYS left in 2016!!!


Our top, TOP program can get someone ripped to the bone, in incredible shape in 84 days

And we could still run 1 and a half of those programs before Dec 31st!

Our group programs get people to drop an average of 1.5 stone in 84 days

And so we could get 2.25 stone lost before the end of 2016!

MOST people won’t bother with the facts and will instead make excuses


“I don’t have time, September is so busy for me”

And on, and on, and on.


Do you think excuses are valid or helpful ways of progressing your life though?

Cos look, you have MORE than enough resources to create not only a massive change in your health and fitness

But a TOTALLY NEW lifestyle, new personality, feelings of boundless energy and confidence every day and on and on after that.


Let’s look at the facts right now….

> You have an UNLIMITED amount of times you can put healthy food into your mouth

> You have an UNLIMITED amount of times you can ask for help from a coach

> You have an UNLIMITED amount of times you can wake-up 30 minutes early and go for a walk, stretch or meditate (breathe!)

> You have an UNLIMITED amount of times you can walk into a gym and train your body


There is NO shortage of these things

Until you die, of course

But do you want to die now and wait 50 years to make it official?

Or do you want to live your strongest self today?


Take some action

Email us at and let’s talk about your goals


Have a great day


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