Posts in Success
Live in or near Warrington? This is for you!

We're looking for 20 people that would love to kick start their body transformation on our next '6' in 60 Days' challenge so you can look and feel great in 2017.

All the info (start date, location, cost etc.) is here:



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EVERYDAY ATHLETE: Isn't it Obvious?

Ever had a conversation with some super clever?

One of those where you have no fucking idea what they are talking about..

...but you nod along and agree anyway!

Like, "hey Ant, what were you talking to Steve about?"

"I have no idea, but I didn't want to seem stupid by asking!"

Well, I'm worried that in fitness we are doing that every day to our clients.

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COACHES CORNER: Working to Capacity - The Dangers of Overtraining

There is a lot of debate at the moment about the subject of “over training” i.e. over working muscle groups compared to conventional thought regarding how often and how hard we should be training. (Volume vs. Load vs. Frequency) 

Imagine your body as a glass of water, the space in the glass representing your potential work capacity for the week. Every time you train you add water to the glass, every time you rest the glass drains slightly but never fully draining the water added when you trained, as you continue to train and rest the glass will continue to fill. 

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The DANGER Of Positive Thinking

I believe positive thinking is dangerous. 

Let me explain…

If I always visualise a perfect fitness goal

Let’s say, achieving a HUGEEE male physique like Schwarzenegger…


17 stone of pure muscle and 0% body fat

Then, this is dangerous for me to even contemplate

Because the reality is, I probably won’t achieve that. 

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Death of The Holiday Diet

I overheard something CRAZY yesterday

Yet thinking about it, it’s a phrase I hear ALL the damn time

Maybe you’ve even said it…..?

“I’m going on holiday in 6 weeks, better start going to the gym”


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