Posts in Conditioning
When you can't finish a program...

You know, I've probably started more programs than I've finished.


In fact, who am I kidding, I definitely have!


I've been lifting weights for over 17 years now


And every 2-3 weeks since day one I pretty much get excited about some new program, or diet, or exercise, or gimmick...


....and I want to jump in and try it!


But let it be known my followers, thy divine secret of all future gainz is....

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12 hours of hell.

There's no way to say this nicely


I hate walking, unless it's around a park, or on a beach...


I really hate walking up mountains.


But my lovely clients convinced me to walk the Yorkshire 3 peaks this past Easter weekend.


And you know what.....

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The truth! Nothin' but the truth!

Carrying on from yesterday's 'what they don't tell you about fitness' post....


here's a few more things:


1) you will NOT gain muscle from lifting weights


at least, not at the speeds you think


It takes 2-3 months of consistent weight lifting for a beginner to start gaining noticeable muscle.


Because the muscles prefer to improve neuromuscular aspects (co-ordination, muscle memory, technique etc.) first because they are less energy demanding.

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what's in it for me?

there's only one thing that drives your motivation


it's the little nasty voice in your brain saying....


what's in it for me?


For example, losing fat is a 'you vs you' struggle where the 'good' side of your brain wants to eat clean, train hard and improve...


....but the 'bad' side is always asking what's in it for me?


Problem is, if you can't answer this question you will fail.

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it's summer shred time dudes

Ah the sun, we all love it.


It's a great reminder that summer is on the way


Which means suncream, ice-cold beer, melting ice-cream, sand in your shoes, endlessly reading the latest sexy-tease novel....


....but there's a bigger issue that nobody ever talks about...


Feeling GOOD about taking your top off (guys) or feeling confident in your bikini (girls).


I don't hear anyone talking about the fear of de-robing on the beach, do you?

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