Posts in Nutrition

Want some motivation, help and a big challenge to kickstart your fitness?


We have 10 places left this month for our best ever 6 week transformation challenge, and it is absolutely free.


Truthfully, this is all our best stuff from the past 8 years put into one fast-track program.


We’ve now transformed over 500 people and have the longest running transformation program in Warrington.

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Jay's Tips: 5 Things NOT To Do Before Training

When we look at fitness and training at RSG we always try to first look at the science behind any fact that is thrown our way. The problem with doing that nowadays is that everything can be very easily ‘backed up’ by science and sometimes looking at the “facts” just adds to the confusion.

The main issue is that anybody and everybody can voice their opinion and due to the digital world, we live in, we can all see it.

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Coffee: The Ultimate Pre-Workout (But NOT Post Workout) Drink

There are numerous scientific studies that demonstrate that coffee is a potent ergogenic (a drug with the capability for increasing capacity for bodily or mental labour especially by eliminating fatigue symptoms.) It can increase fat burning during training, heighten an athlete’s ability to perform optimally and improve work capacity.

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Massive Nutrition Insights

You might find this interesting to read if:


a) you've been good on your diet but fallen off the past few weeks/months


b) you suck at dieting and/or hate the process




My philosophy on diet is simple:

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Why fitness is confusing.

Ever had one of those lightbulb moments?


I have them all the time.


not because I'm particularly clever


But usually because I'm doing things so arse-backwards that when I finally see the light it's a big revelation.


Take lifting weights, for example.

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My Advice on Eating Clean Foods

Be honest, do you struggle to eat healthy foods every day?


I sure as hell do.


Today I share the secret to staying on track.


I've always struggled to eat clean foods, in the amounts that would support my training goals.


A problem I've been aware of since starting training years ago.


A problem you're likely experiencing right now.


But the thing that fixed it for me is not what you think.


You see...

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The 'Get Back On It' Omelette...

Seemingly for no reason?


Here's what to do to 'get back on it'....


I always wish I had a magic 'panic button' that would get me back on track.


The magic button doesn't exist unfortunately.


But here's what I do instead


**drum roll**

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Live in or near Warrington? This is for you!

We're looking for 20 people that would love to kick start their body transformation on our next '6' in 60 Days' challenge so you can look and feel great in 2017.

All the info (start date, location, cost etc.) is here:



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We could stop calling it 'weight loss'....

Conditional happiness happens when you say things like:


"I'll be happy when I fit into my bikini"


"I'll be happy when I get a promotion"


"I'll be happy when I bench press 100kg"


The happiness is conditional on you achieving whatever's in your mind.


Therefore, and this is THE most important thing....




Which is what I believe is the entire problem with the phrase:


"weight loss"

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